Happy Pentecost! Need a quick and easy hands-on activity to celebrate Pentecost with your family? I got you!
Keep scrolling to learn more about Pentecost and get your FREE download to create a Pentecost Windsock highlighting the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit with your children. 🙂
P.S. Haven’t been back to Mass yet? Or back to Mass but really struggling with getting your children to behave? Read my encouraging article How to Bring Catholic Kids to Mass, and get my family’s 6 top tips for making it through another Sunday successfully!
What is Pentecost?
Pentecost is the day the Holy Spirit descended on the disciples. Remember last week, during the Ascension, when Jesus reassured Mary and the Apostles that the Holy Spirit would come upon them? Today’s the day!
The liturgical color for the day is red. You may see many people wearing red, including the priest!
When is Pentecost?
Pentecost occurs 50 days after Easter. It is the very last day of the Easter season!
Pentecost is the Church’s Birthday!
We consider Pentecost as being the Church’s birthday because this is the day the Holy Spirit came down and filled the Apostles with the gifts they needed to lead the Church!
What Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit? The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit Are:
- Wisdom
- Understanding
- Counsel
- Fortitude
- Knowledge
- Piety
- Fear of the Lord
Pentecost Was the First Novena
The Apostles prayed for 9 days waiting for the Holy Spirit to descend upon them after Jesus ascended into Heaven (last Sunday!) This is why Novenas are 9 days of prayer.
Why Do We Use Flames to Represent Pentecost?
Acts 2:3
“Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them.”
In the bible, it is stated that the seven gifts were given to the Apostles as flames. This is why you will see fire and the color red to represent Pentecost!
Easy Pentecost Craft for Kids
I love this cute little craft we adapted from Shower of Roses. What’s better than a wind-themed craft to celebrate a spirit-filled day!? Acts 2: 1-2 says “When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were.”
Supplies Needed:
- -Windsock template available to download HERE (There is also a Black and White version if you’re cheap like me and avoid using printer ink at all costs haha.)
- -Tape or stapler
- -Scissors
- -Red, orange or yellow streamers
- Red, orange or yellow construction paper
- -Ribbon or string
That’s it!

Step 1.) Cut out your “7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit” flames.

My 5 year old, Olivia, excelled at this. My 4 year old, Dominic, had a really hard, frusturating time trying to cut around the swirly edges. I ended up doing most of the cutting for him. If this is your child too, don’t let them get discouraged! Keep it light and fun. Remind them that one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is fortitude; which means being able to be strong and courageous even during rough times. They can do this!

Step 2. ) Tape or staple your dove paper to a red or orange piece of construction paper into the shape of a large tube. Our “tube” is about the size of an oatmeal container.

Step 3.) Create seven equal-length pieces of streamer. This is something Dominic could do well. I did the first piece, then had him roll out the streamer and rip it to match my length, repeating until we got to seven.

Step 4.) Tape or staple each of the seven flames onto one end of each streamer.

Step 5.) Tape the other end of the streamers to the inside edge of your windsock. Make sure your flames are facing outward!

Step 6.) Hang it outside for the whole world to see! (Notice the gift of Wisdom was taped upside down? I don’t correct mistakes like these-it makes their artwork unique and extra adorable!) These became quite the conversation piece among our (non-Catholic) neighborhood kids. It was funny and also heartwarming listening to a 4 and 5 year old try to explain it to them. Just spreading the gospel over here!
I hope you all have a joyous Pentecost Sunday! Tag me on social media in any pictures you take of your children celebrating!