This post is going to give you a quick, simplified version of Good Shepherd Sunday for you to explain to your kids over breakfast before everyone runs off and starts acting crazy. (Or is that just our kids…? How do they have so much energy at 7:00 a.m…?)
Good Shepherd Sunday happens on the 4th Sunday of Easter (3 weeks after Easter).
We call Jesus our Good Shepherd. A shepherd is someone who takes care of sheep and keeps them safe. We are like the sheep, and Jesus is our shepherd!

Today we pray for all priests and bishops, since they are the shepherds of our churches.
In the Bible, Jesus says “I am the Good Shepherd: A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”
A super easy way to celebrate the day is by saying or writing a special prayer for your priest. Make sure you tell him to have a Good Shepherd Sunday after Mass too!
Below are three activities to help your family celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday:
1.) Here is a really cute Good Shepherd Matching Game from The Catholic Toolbox (print out 2 sets of each page) that is perfect for children 2-5.
2.) Or how about some No Bake Sheep Grahams if you’re feeling snacky?
(I’m cracking up at how cute these little guys are!)
3.) Pom-pom sheep craft anyone?
She uses a homemade cardboard pom-pom maker, but honestly you can just use your fingers to wrap the string around!
There you go! Three simple activities for you to celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday with your family. I hope one of these activities sparked your interest. You may not even need to buy anything to complete them!
Remember to keep it simple. Small things make big impressions on children. They don’t need anything fancy! I guarantee they’ll remember making their pom-pom sheep for a long time.
If you found this post helpful, please share this with your Catholic parent friends who could benefit from a simple, straight-to-the-point lesson! I know I’m not the only one who doesn’t have time to scour the internet trying to figure out how to break down such big concepts into words my children can understand.
And please, if you end up making the grahams, I HAVE to see pictures!