Wondering what happened during Holy Thursday? Below is a simple explanation of Holy Thursday if you are new to the faith, just curious, or need help teaching little kids about it.
What is Holy Thursday?
Holy Thursday was the last time Jesus ate with His Apostles.
Before eating, Jesus knelt down and washed their feet.
Think about how dirty their feet must have been-they lived in a dusty climate and did a lot of walking! This was one way Jesus showed His love for His disciples.
During The Last Supper, Jesus broke bread and gave it to His disciples, telling them that it was His body.
It was Passover, so the bread they ate was unleavened. This means it was made without yeast, making it thin and crunchy, like a cracker.
Jesus also passed around a cup filled with wine that the disciples drank from. He said, “This is my blood.”
After dinner, Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas betrays Jesus and leads a mob to arrest him there.
Tomorrow morning begins Jesus’ trial before his Crucifixion.
Holy Thursday Mass
This is not a Holy Day of Obligation, but it is encouraged to attend Mass each day during Holy Week. Holy Thursday’s Mass begins the sacred Easter Triduum-or the 3 days before Easter.
What is Maundy Thursday
This day is also called Maundy Thursday. Maundy means ‘command’ in Latin. This refers to the instructions Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper. Jesus told them to “Love one another as I have loved you.”
Maundy Thursday Prayer
Here is a quick prayer to say today:
God of love, we know that you hear us when we call to you in our need.
In our greatest need, you gave us Jesus, your Son, as our Redeemer.
He showed us the depth of your love for us when he gave himself for our salvation.
We ask you, in your love and mercy,
to hear our prayers in this hour of crisis and need:
to calm our hunger for the Eucharist,
and to sustain our faith in your promised resurrection.
We ask this through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen
Feet-Washing Ceremony for Families
Doing a foot washing ceremony in your own home is an excellent way to bring Christ into your home. Use the below graphic to help you reenact this beautiful event.
It may seem kind of silly (or even gross) but it’s important for children to see humility and truly understand why Jesus did what he did for His disciples.

I hope this post helped you and your family have a holier, Holy Thursday!