Tired of searching endlessly for the perfect Catholic gift online or Catholic gifts on Amazon? Look no further!
Whether you’re looking for gifts for Catholic friends, Catholic gifts for men, or Catholic baby gifts, this list will help you find just what you’re looking for.
I’ve stocked it with Catholic books and gifts for every occasion!
And the best part? These companies have graciously provided me with a coupon code to share with my faithful readers (you)!
Wrapped in Mary’s Mantle Baby Swaddle-Use code “SAM10” for 10% off!

Rosary Quiet Book-Use code “SAM10” for 10% off

Holy Spirit Dove Teether-Use code “CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” for 10% off

Sacred and Immaculate Heart Swaddle Blanket-Use code “CULTIVATING10” for 10% off your order!

Baby’s Little Flower Silicone Chewy Rosary-Use code “SAMANTHA” for 10% off your order

Sacred Heart of Jesus Plush Doll-Use code “CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” for 10% off!


St. Therese of Lisieux Doll-Use code “SAM10” for 10% off

Nativity Wooden Puzzle-Code CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS saves 10%!

Rosary Pop-It from Gather and Pray-Use code “CultivatingCatholics” for 10% off your order!

Jesus & St. Peter Walk on Water Wooden Wave Stacker Toy-Use code “CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” for 10% off

Saint Memory Match Game-Use code “CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” for 10% off!

A Little Catholic’s First Rosary Book: Bead-by-Bead Picture Prayer Book (4-BOOK SET)-No coupon code needed, just click the link and 10% off will be automatically deducted from your cart

Catechism of the Seven Sacraments-No coupon code needed, just click the link and 10% off will be automatically deducted from your cart!

The Mass and the Manger Interactive Book

Pray and Play ABC Puzzle-Use code “sam10” for 10% off your order!

St. Francis Bath Set-Use code “SAM10” for 10% off your order

Biblical Heroes-Stories of Faith and Courage book

Ceramic Holy Water Container-Code “CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” saves 10%

Blessed Carlo Acutis: The Amazing Discovery of a Teenager in Heaven-No coupon code needed, just click the link and 10% off will be automatically deducted from your cart

Planner Accessory Bundle-Code “SAM10”

Men’s Saint Goals T-Shirt-Use code “cultivatingcatholics” for 10% off your order

Catholic Socks-Code “SAM10” for 10% off!

The Virtues for Catholic Youth book

Courage is Born Sticker-Use code “CultivatingCatholics” for 10% off!

Memento Mori Shirt–Code “SAVECC10” to save 10%!

Catholic Graphic Novels (stickers and magnets available as well)–Code “CC15” to save 15%!

Modest Clothing and Dresses for Mass-Code “SAM15” saves 15%!

Homemade Goat’s Milk Soap – Code “CC10” saves 10%!

Our Life Our Sweetness and Our Hope Marian T-Shirt-Use code “SAM10” for 10% off!

Morning Offering Prayer Mug-Use code “SAM10” for 10% off

Women’s St. Gianna Stretch and Wrap Rosary Bracelet-Use code “CULTIVATING10” for 10% off your order

Simple Crucifix Necklace–I personally own the gold one 😉 -Code SAM10 takes 10% off your order!

Scripture Verse Dinnerware-No coupon code needed, just click the link for 10% off

Sacred Heart of Jesus Necklace-Code SAM10 takes 10% off your order

Saint of the Month Boxes-Code “CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” gives you two free books!

Whispers of Mary: What Twelve Old Testament Women Teach us about Mary Book

Bethlehem Candle-Use code ”CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” for 10% off your order!

Beeswax Altar Candle-Use code ”CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS” for 10% off your order!

The Catechism of the Catholic Church-Ascension Edition

St. Benedict Bracelet-Code SAM10 takes 10% off your order!

“The Saintmaker is a journal and planner to help Catholics reignite their faith, excel in their vocations, and experience true spiritual freedom. It includes hundreds of spiritual practices, party ideas, recipes, devotions, and customs for feast days.

Verso L’Alto Shirt–Code “SAVECC10” to save 10%!

Steel Rosary–Code “SAM10” to save 10%!

The Imitation of St. Joseph: Use code CULTIVATINGCATHOLICS-15 for 15% off!

Handmade Wooden Home Altars-Code “CC10” saves 10%!

Men’s Kolbe Stretch & Wrap Rosary Bracelet-Use code “SAMANTHA” for 10% off your order!

Catholic gifts from Italy-Code “CAT15”

Hallow App-A FREE 3-month trial and 20% a future membership! Just click the link.

So there you have it! My ultimate gift guide for Christmas (or honestly any gift-giving occasion.) I hope this list made your shopping a little less-stressful, and gave you some great ideas!