The Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated on June 11 and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is celebrated the day after, on June 12. The whole month of June is actually dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! When we celebrate these feast days with our children, we remind them of Jesus and Mary’s great love for us.
To celebrate these mega important feast days, I’ve created free printable tracing cards for your younger children to practice their writing skills with!
Jesus always has an outpouring of love from his heart to us, even when we “pierce” him with our sins (symbolized by the crown of thorns going across the Sacred Heart.) However, no matter how many thorns pierce his heart, he still always give us mercy when we ask for his forgiveness. The fire that burns in Jesus’ heart for us can never be put out, which is why the Sacred Heart has flames around it! The cross on top reminds us of his crucifixion.
The Immaculate Heart of Mary has a crown of roses going across it, with a sword piercing the side of the heart and flames on top. The roses represent her purity and lack of sin, the sword represents how our sins also pierce her heart, and the flame shows her flame of love for us!
The tracing cards were a great morning activity for my oldest while we waited for all her brothers to wake up. Some quiet faith-formation before the chaos. 🙂 It was a such a simple way to introduce the imagery and vocabulary to her.
You can download your free Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary printables here!
Even if this activity is all you’re able to do to celebrate, THANK YOU for passing on our beautiful Faith to our littlest Catholics!