Christ the King Sunday + Crown Cookies

On the last Sunday of the liturgical year, Catholics celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King!

The full name of the feast day is “Our Lord Jesus Chris, King of the Universe.” This newer feast day was added to the Church Calendar by Pope Pius XI in 1925 because he noticed the world was beginning to reject Christ.

This day is a reminder to acknowledge Jesus Christ as not only the King of this world, but also as the eternal King.

To celebrate our King, my family and I made crown cookies! We don’t have a crown cookie-cutter, but I realized this AFTER I made the dough. So I ended up completely free-handing them by cutting crown shapes into sugar cookie dough with a sharp knife. They didn’t turn out half bad!

Once the cookies were cool, the children decorated the crowns with chocolate chips and colored sprinkles.

While they worked, I explained that Jesus’ power is divine power. His power is to show us love and give us eternal life. In return, we show love to him by loving others!

Pope Francis said, “The kingdoms of this world at times are sustained by arrogance, rivalries and oppression; the reign of Christ is a kingdom of justice, love and peace.

How true is that? What a mighty King we have!

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