Love to hate and hate to love them! I’ll be the first to admit I’m not a huge fan of Amazon, but dang it’s convenient! Especially if you need Halloween and All Saints’ Day costumes in a pinch!
Here are some Catholic costumes you can order today and I can (almost) guarantee they’ll be on your doorstep in just a few days.
Before we dive in, have you seen our 90-page Hallowtide Activity Bundle? It’s huge (and on sale!) It has everything you need for celebrating All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day such as printable prayers to decorate your home, prayer cards to pass out to trick-or-treaters, saint candy labels, how to throw an All Saint’s Day Party, cupcake toppers, how to set up an All Souls’ Day prayer table, handwriting practice, learning activities, and so much more! Get it here!

Without further ado, lets continue with the costumes!
1.) Mother Mary

3.) Moses

4.) Wise Man

5.) St. Joseph

6.) Shepherd

7.) Monk

8.) Mother Teresa

9.) A priest

10.) Baby pope?!

11.) A friar (use your imagination to use this as the “bottom” layer of any number of saints!)

12.) A nun

Okay, you’re all set! I hope you found a costume you loved, or at least one that can be used as the base of a costume you can create at home of your favorite saint.
Happy All Hallows Eve!