What is Our Lady of Fatima?
- We celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Fatima every year on May 13.
- The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three young children- Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia (ages 10, 9 and 7) while they were tending to their family’s sheep.
- Our Lady appeared to speak to the children! She continued to do this on the 13th of every month and word spread quickly of her apparitions.
- On the last day she was to appear, over 70,000 people journeyed through bad weather to witness a miracle Our Lady promised.
- Suddenly, the clouds parted and a beautiful, bright sun started “dancing” in the sky! It zig-zagged and whirled and flung bright colors all over the sky. After about 10 minutes the sun retraced it’s steps and went back up into the sky.
- Many people who had previously doubted the childrens’ visions believed after seeing this “Miracle of the Sun.”
Kids really gravitate toward this story. I think because Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia were so young. I have 5 easy ways you can really solidify the story with them in a (mainly) hands-on way, to celebrate the feast all day long!
1.) Make a Sunshine Smoothie (Serves 2)

- 1 orange or mango chunks
- 1 banana
- 1 cup orange juice
- 1 cup vanilla yogurt
- Handful of ice
Blend it all up, garnish with an orange slice, and viola!
2.) Create an Our Lady of Fatima “Spinning Sun” pinwheel

Follow all the directions here, just use yellow paper!
3.) Print out Catholic Icing’s prayer handwriting practice

Isn’t Catholic Icing the BEST? This Rosary prayer tracing activity is great for school-aged children (or younger!)
4.) Watch this EWTN Fatima Video for Kids

We’re not big TV watchers (except when mom needs a little peace and quiet!), and I like for them to take a break from Paw Patrol and watch something educational once in a while. You can’t go wrong with anything on EWTN! I thought this Our Lady of Fatima video was so cute. (Warning: the opening song is a little cheesy, but the actual video is good!)
5.) Print out Be a Heart’s “Mysteries of the Rosary” cards to start praying a decade or two a day with your kids!

Always forget the mysteries of the Rosary? Or maybe don’t know them at all (like me?) These FREE handy little notecards will do the trick. They print out on one sheet of paper, and then you just cut them into 4 cards.
May is the best time to start praying the Rosary with your children if you don’t already. Don’t think you have to go big! A decade a day (even less!) is all Mother Mary wants from you. She KNOWS you’re busy with all those babies and they have the attention span of a fly. If all you can do is squeak in a Hail Mary, hey, you did your best. It’ll get easier. 🙂
So there you have it. 5 easy ways to celebrate Our Lady of Fatima! They were:
- Make a Sunshine Smoothie
- Make an Our Lady of Fatima Spinning Sun craft
- Practice writing a Rosary prayer
- Watch a video about Our Lady of Fatima on youtube
- Print out Mysteries of the Rosary notecards
If you do any of these activities, take pictures and be sure to tag me! I know we will definitely be making the pinwheels at our house!