So there you are, googling the “best Catholic books for kids” and within .2 seconds you’re ready to throw in the towel.
All you needed was a birthday gift for your Godson and now you’re stress-eating, reading snippets of book summaries, scrambling trying to find the PERFECT one. You’re on the hunt for one that has religious ties, isn’t too dry, and simultaneously shows your love for said child.
Please, back away from the Amazon review and let me help you.
I’m here for you.
We personally own every single book in this list. I have personally read each one about 2,000 times to my children. (You know how kids like to have the same book read over and over and over again…?)
I would not recommend horrible books to you.
P.S. Hate paying for shipping? SAME. But Amazon has this really cool deal where you can try Amazon Prime for 30 days. Totally free. I can’t make this stuff up. Try it here. Hellooo free shipping.
Without further ado, I give you the 5 best books for Catholic kids.
Best Book for Catholic Kids #1
Father Ben Gets Ready for Mass
“Mommy, why is the priest wearing white today?”
*Me in my head* “I have literally no idea.”
This book walks children through the Mass from a different perspective. A “behind-the-scenes” type thing. My favorite page is one that shows a picture of all the priest’s different colored chasubles (like that word?) hung up in the sacristy behind the alter, with labels stating when/why each color is worn! As a result, our kids have behaved better in Mass because they feel like they’re in on a secret.
Most importantly, the cutest part is that every page is “interactive.” One page will have your child trace their finger down a path leading Father Ben to the Church, while another page has your child dipping their finger in the holy water font picture to bless themselves.
Adorable AND promotes kinesthetic learning (the teacher in me is singing). Win-win!
Best Book for Catholic Kids #2
The Beginner’s Bible
Now I know there’s a lot of talk out there about what the “best Catholic children’s bible” is. I don’t know if this one is the best (because I’ve never really looked into any others) but the goofy-ish character illustrations are what really seal the deal for our kids.
The pictures are bright and interesting so they actually FOCUS on the story I’m trying to read to them. The stories are short, maybe 3-5 pages, so it makes it even more tolerable for younger children to sit through without squirming too much.
Best Book for Catholic Kids #3
The Tale of Three Trees
This book was gifted to us, although it sat on our bookshelves for quite some time. I had just never gotten around to reading it to our children. Upon further inspection, low and behold, it’s actually a religious book and its actually the story of Easter.
Three trees have big aspirations as to what they want to be when they grow up. One wants to be a treasure chest, one wants to be a big ship fit to carry a king, and the last wants to grow so tall he touches Heaven.
But they get chopped down, making it seem as though they’ll never be able to fulfill their dreams.
But THEN one gets made into a feeding trough (manger), one is made into a sailboat for “some fisherman” (wink wink), and the last is made into wooden beams to become a cross. It’s just *sniff* really precious.
Best Book for Catholic Kids #4
Just In Case You Ever Wonder
For a real tear jerker, I recommend this book. We have the older version, so I’m not sure what the pictures in the newer version look like, but the message is the same.
“Long, long ago God made a decision – a very important decision…one that I’m really glad He made.
He made the decision to make you.”
“…And God wants me to make sure you know about Heaven. It’s a wonderful place.
There are no tears there.
No monsters.
No mean people.
You never have to say “good-bye”
or “good night”
or “I’m hungry”
You never get cold or sick or afraid.”
“In heaven you are so close to God that He will hug you. Just like I hug you. It’s going to be wonderful. I will be there, too. I promise. We will be there together, forever. Remember that…Just in case you ever wonder.”
I’m not crying, you’re crying!
Best Book for Catholic Kids #5
The Stable Where Jesus Was Born
This is the story of Christmas, but one worth reading year-round. It’s sort of like the “There Was An Lady Who Swallowed a…” books, but less weird. (Am I the only one that just doesn’t *get* those books…?)
“This is the baby in swaddling clothes,
the small precious baby, the one whom God chose
to come see the Earth all round and bright
that glimmered with hope that first Christmas night.”
It’s poetic and beautiful and really makes you feel like you were in the stable that night.
So there you have it. The top 5 best Catholic books for kids. I hope this list helps narrow down your long, (long) journey of sifting through the world of Catholic literature.
I’m sure I could write a post including 50+ more, but I’ll stop at 5 because if you’re like me, you don’t have time for all that.
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