Oh Father’s Day. Why are fathers so hard to shop for? Is it because they’re simple creatures, not needing much to survive? Or are they just quiet about their wants, suppressing their Earthly desires so that others (wife, kids?) may get THEIR desires. Whatever the case may be, below are a few of my favorite gifts any dad would enjoy, all wrapped up in the Holy Spirit. 🙂
You know I love supporting small Catholic businesses. Why? Because they’re Catholic (obviously) and I love supporting Catholic families. Sure, I could buy similar products off Amazon, but I’d rather not “feed the machine” as my husband says. It feels good to know our hard-earned money is going to a company I support 1000%.
So let’s dive in!
1.) Padre Pio Coffee and Tumbler

“During his extraordinary life Padre Pio (1887-1968) had the power to bilocate, received the stigmata, and heard countless confessions of pilgrims to his small Italian town. He lives on as an inspiring spiritual director through his famous words: “Pray, Hope, and Don’t Worry.”
Is there a better way for the father in your life to start his day? (The answer is no.)
2.) Handmade Mini Altar from The Catholic Woodworker

Perfect for his desk. The Catholic Woodworker also creates very masculine, wooden rosaries.
3.) Drinking With The Saints Recipe Book

We actually own this book! It was given to us as a gift. It has an adult drink recipe for every single saint you can think of, and a little one page write-up about each saint. All of our children have a saint name (first or middle) so I like to use that saint’s drink recipe for special occasions when we have people over like birthdays or baptisms.
4.) Premium Brown Scapular (with lifetime warranty)

If your husband or father don’t have a devotion to the Brown Scapular, this is a great time to begin! Once they receive their Scapular, they get “enrolled” in the Brown Scapular by a priest. Don’t worry, the scapular comes with directions on how to do that. 🙂
5.) Saint-themed Socks from Sock Religious

Sock Religious has the funniest t-shirts and creative saintly sock patterns. They even have mugs and stickers!
6.) 45% Off Sale at Tan Books

Right now Tan Books is hosting a 45% off sale on select titles for Father’s Day! Shop the sale here.
7.) Clip-on Saint Michael Medal

A clip-on St. Michael the Archangel Medal allows the father in your life to bring his defender with him wherever he goes. It can hook on to everything from keys to backpacks. St. Michael is the patron saint of government workers, military, police, and first responders.
8.) Daily Spiritual Journal from The Saintmaker

From the website: “The Saintmaker is a one-of-a-kind guided spiritual journal and life planning system to help you create the life you dream of, become a more fulfilled person, and deepen your faith.
Each edition of The Saintmaker comes with:
- One (1) Saintmaker Catholic Life Planner
- One (1) folding Liturgical Guide™️ with all feast days for both Ordinary and Extraordinary forms of the calendar—PLUS novena start dates!
- Exclusive access to our NEW online database of hundreds of ancient and modern devotions
- Our Saintmaker advanced 10-part video training series”
9.) Sleeping St. Joseph Statue

A sleeping St. Joseph statue would be a great addition to an office desk! The intent is to write down your prayers and intentions on little pieces of paper and slip them under St. Joseph.
Joseph received messages from Heaven while he slept, so by placing your needs underneath him, he will dream of them and intercede for your prayers! Pope Francis keeps one on his desk too.
10.) High-Quality Handmade Rosary from Catholic Mercy

We personally own this rosary and love it! It is huge, well-made, and I love the color scheme.
There you have it! 10 Catholic gifts for Father’s Day. I hope you were able to find a great gift perusing this list for that special father in your life, or at least were able to get some good ideas.